Explore Our Features
See what Reactivepad plugin covers
Inline Formulas
Put calculations right in-between words. It almost feels like using Excel, just without its infinite grid, but rather a convenient, text-friendly blank canvas.
Dynamic Tables
Use column formulas to perform column-wide calculations.
Add footer and quickly calculate columns aggregations. You can also reference those values later in your document.

External Data
Import content from external sources to avoid data duplication.
Connect to APIs, databases, JSON or XLS files and keep your document up-to-date.

Graphical representation of information and data. By using visual elements like charts, graphs, provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Inline formulas
Put calculations right in-between words. It almost feels like using Excel, just without its infinite grid, but rather a convenient, text-friendly blank canvas.

Referencing formulas happens through meaningful names instead of obscure grid coordinates (A1, $B$3, etc.)
Dynamic tables
Use column formulas to perform column-wide calculations.

Add footer and quickly calculate columns aggregations. You can also reference those values later in your document.
Integration with external data sources
Import data from APIs, databases, CMSes, spreadsheets.
Out-of-the-box connectors to Salesforce, Hubspot, JIRA & more.
Import data instead of copy-pasting
Reactivepad lets you import content from external sources to avoid data duplication.

Connect to APIs, databases, JSON or XLS files
and keep your document up-to-date.

Let's see how can it work for you
Book a 15-minutes demo call, any convienient time.

Reactivepad Sp. z o.o.
Hubska 52/14
50-502 Wrocław, Poland
VAT number: PL8992868236