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Inline Formulas
Put calculations right in-between words. It almost feels like using Excel, just without its infinite grid, but rather a convenient, text-friendly blank canvas.
Dynamic Tables
Use column formulas to perform column-wide calculations.
Add footer and quickly calculate columns aggregations. You can also reference those values later in your document.

Automatic changes
Don't worry about copy-pasting error generator. regardless of how often the data changes.
It happens in real time, right when you type. You change one value - the others update in the eye-blink.

This feature will help your remote team become more efficient, from communication to same-time actions and more. Regardless of where people stay, they all work together, in the same time, one the same project.
So, for whom is it?
Is this something I can use?
Well, no matter what industry you work in, you most probably have to make calculations and write text - reports, stories, invoices.
The goal of Reactivepad is to simplify creating texts together with calculations. It allows to create smart and reactive data-driven documents, which are almost like apps!
Financial & Accounting reports painless to write and maintain. No more ping-ponging between calculators and text editors with a worry of losing the legit content.
Real Estate
Real estate equity management tool for property managers. Easily create the price lists, expenses, incomes listings statements for owners and landlords.
Teach better with explorable documents - let your audience interact and experiment with the data to see different outcomes and discover new possibilities.
Individual Approach
When it comes to project management, one size doesn't fit all. With Reactivepad, you get a solution that's completely flexible to your needs. Keep everyone on the same page with everything that matters, all in one place.
Retail and e-commerce
Create reports, sales dashsboards and keep your team, coworkers and partners on the same page.
Daily life
Personal budget management, vacation planning, to-do lists. All in one place. You can have infinity of documents with all your needs.

Reactivepad Sp. z o.o.
Hubska 52/14
50-502 Wrocław, Poland
VAT number: PL8992868236