Documents made smart

Reactivepad is an online collaborative text editor that lets you put calculations directly inside your textual narrative - think of MS Word and MS Excel combined.

Create truly smart and reactive data-driven documents that are almost like apps!
Also available for plugins for MS Word, Google Docs, WordPress, Atlassian & more.
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Calculate as you type and save tons of time
Get rid of the grid and feel the power of a spreadsheet inside the text editor!
Inline formulas
Put calculations right in-between words. It almost feels like using Excel, just without its infinite grid, but rather a convenient, text-friendly blank canvas.

Referencing formulas happens through meaningful names instead of obscure grid coordinates (A1, $B$3, etc.)
Dynamic tables
Use column formulas to perform column-wide calculations.

Add footer and quickly calculate columns aggregations. You can also reference those values later in your document.
Integration with external data sources
Import data from APIs, databases, CMSes, spreadsheets.
Out-of-the-box connectors to Salesforce, Hubspot, JIRA & more.
Upcoming features:
  • Data visualizations
    Present all your data with diagrams and charts.
  • Collaborative editing
    You can work with multiple people on the same document in real time.
Orchestrate data within the textual narrative
No more copy-pasting data from spreadsheet to doc
Stay in the editor and don't waste your time on the unnecessary routine of switching between spreadsheet and doc.
Data changes with a peace of mind
Modify a formula and watch your document auto-update - just like a spreadsheet!
Data validity guaranteed
You don't have to worry about manual correcting, regardless of how often the data changes.
Use it with your favorite tools
Reactivepad shows its' true power when used with the tools that you're already handling. Check our existing and upcoming integrations.
MS Word
Google Docs
Missing plugin? Contact us at

Looking for a custom solution?
If you need to supercharge your content system with spreadsheet capabilities, we provide custom low-level integrations with the most popular rich text editors, such as:
Contact sales for more information:
Automated, data-driven, contracts with Reactivepad
At Contractbook, we have integrated Reactivepad to our contract editor to provide our users with spreadsheet-like capabilities. Creating sales contracts, investment agreements or any other calculation-heavy agreements has become wildly more effective - changing one formula recalculates the whole document. No more manual correction over multiple contract pages!

Read more on Contractbook blog
Jarosław Owczarek
Co-founder & CPO @ Contractbook
Users voice
See what Product Hunt community thinks about us!
  • "I hate the lack of context when I send people Excel spreadsheets... more often than not, I want the ability to call out certain information (while allowing someone to check my work if they want to). This seems perfect!"
    Gregory K.
  • "Variables and formulas in documents? Awesome."
    Lee Q.
  • "That would be perfect solution for trip planning. Now I have cost calculations in Excel and trip plan in Word. I will try it with my next trip!"
    Paweł K.
  • "It takes the clunky-ness out of connecting an Excel worksheet to a Word document for the same effect."
    Michael S.
Reactivepad - Docs made smart with textually narrated calculations ???????? | Product Hunt Embed
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Reactivepad Sp. z o.o.
Hubska 52/14
50-502 Wrocław, Poland
VAT number: PL8992868236